Thursday, July 31, 2008


The Uniforms have been ordered from Graham Sporting goods. They are blue and will look just like this on the front.
Luckily because of our great sponsers (Dr. Smith and Dr. Juengel) we were able to afford not only great bats, but also names and numbers on the backs of our jerseys (an unneeded but exciting addition afforded to us by their generosity).
GSG allows two weeks for production so im assuming we will be picking up the jerseys when my wife and I return from our trip to Central America.

Thanks again to the good docs for the sponser.

-Jethro Tull (artist of song called "Uniform")


Coach said...

Very appreciative of the sponsorships - Getting pretty excited about the team. Practice went pretty well I thought. I'm gonna try to find a field we can use so we can get in another practice or two if people want.

chris juengel said...

im down

jjmcgowen said...

YAY so excited! thanks to them!!!!